40 Years

We’ve got a job to do – a job to address the homelessness crisis and barriers to the workforce by helping thousands of people each year.

How We Do It

Our Services

Through individualized case management, an evolving job-readiness program, and by providing access to an array of supportive services, Chrysalis helps our clients overcome their barriers to reconnecting to the workforce.

Our Employment Social Enterprise

Since 1991, Chrysalis has offered our clients time-limited, paid employment to help them prepare to secure jobs outside of our organization. Today, we employ clients in four growing businesses.

Our Commitment

For 40 years, we have been dedicated to serving individuals who are navigating barriers to the workforce find and retain employment. Learn more about our mission, philosophy, and vision & values.


clients secured jobs in the general workforce in 2023


clients worked a transitional job with our employment social enterprise in 2023


clients have been empowered on their pathway to stability, security, and fulfillment in their work and lives since 1984

Join The Crew

The Crew is not just a monthly giving program. It’s a collective movement aimed at empowering and uplifting our clients as a community – one donation and one month at a time.

As we embark on our 40th anniversary year, we invite you to become an ambassador of change with your monthly gift – thank you for enabling us to support the continuous growth and progress of our clients!


Empower our clients by providing one-on-one resume writing, practice interview, and online job application assistance.


Find dedicated, hardworking employees to join your team and help your business thrive like nearly 150 employers in Southern California who hire through us.

Attend an Event

Help raise funds and have a good time in support of our clients and program alongside champions who believe in the impact of employment.

Our Vision & Values

Values state what is important to us, serve as our guiding principles, and form the foundation for our culture. They tell us who we are and who we aspire to be. At Chrysalis, these values help us identify the specific capabilities needed in our staff and volunteers and how we should serve our community.

Equity & Inclusion

We envision a community in which everyone has the opportunity to work and thrive.

Connect with Chrysalis

Sign up for our email list to receive:

Client, volunteer, and staff spotlights
Exclusive invitations to Chrysalis events
● Updates on Chrysalis’ impact across Southern California

Success Bells: Kenya

Kenya has a heart for serving people. After years of working in education, providing in-home care, and holding multiple customer service roles, she was laid off from her job during the 2020 pandemic. While supporting her partner’s business, she learned about Chrysalis. Dedicated to embark on a new journey of transformation, she joined our program […]

Success Bells: Lloyd

As a dedicated firefighter with Cal Fire, Lloyd is prepared for any emergency. He begins his day at 4:30 a.m. with a devotional, ensuring that his mind is in the right place to show up for work and his loved ones. Working three-day shifts of 24 hours each, his commitment to our community’s safety and […]

Success Bells: Richard

Richard wakes up each morning and greets the day by getting on his knees and saying a prayer of gratitude. After spending the better part of his life struggling with substance use and cycling in and out of the justice system, he celebrates being free, sober, steadily employed, and embracing all that life has to […]