Chrysalis Enterprises
Established in 1991, Chrysalis Enterprises is a transitional jobs program for clients who may be facing more significant barriers to getting a job. This program helps get clients working more quickly, earning a paycheck, building confidence, and developing skills that will enable them to secure and retain long-term employment.
In 2023:
clients worked a transitional job
in wages were earned by clients
hours worked by clients in Chrysalis Enterprises

Our employment social enterprise is comprised of four business lines.

Started in 1991, Chrysalis Staffing connects clients to employers across Southern California who are looking for temporary or temporary-to-permanent workers. We also have a business development team that works with hiring partners who are interested in directly employing our clients.

Since 1994, Chrysalis Works has been employing clients in our street maintenance business. Today, we have contracts with a number of Business Improvement Districts throughout Los Angeles. In these jobs, clients provide supplemental trash removal, litter abatement, graffiti removal, and pressure washing services.

Initially launched in 2016 through a partnership with the Mayor’s Office of Reentry and Caltrans, this business began by employing clients on active supervision in freeway maintenance jobs in Los Angeles County. Today, we also employ individuals through this division of our employment social enterprise in Orange County – thanks to a partnership with the Butte County Office of Education – and the Inland Empire.

Officially spun off in 2021 into its own business line, Safekeeping encompasses our contracted housekeeping and safe storage (Bin) services, which we have been providing for many years as a division of Chrysalis Works. This line provides clients with housekeeping work in various settings as well as janitorial and customer service jobs at three free, safe storage facilities, where housed and unhoused patrons can store and access their personal property.