The sun was beginning to set as Salvador pulled into the parking lot at work. As he walked inside, he paused and took a moment to glance back at his 2024 Nissan Sentra. He grinned widely as he admired the sparkling new rims reflecting the sun’s afterglow.

Thirty-seven years ago, at the start of a life-long prison sentence, he never would have imagined having the means to invest in his dream car, being gainfully employed, and enjoying a fulfilling life surrounded by family.

“When I work, I work.”

At just 20 years old, Salvador participated in a robbery that tragically resulted in the loss of someone’s life. His years of struggling with addiction and violent behaviors continued for several years while incarcerated, and the hope of ever being released and reuniting with his supportive family seemed distant.

Over the years, Salvador joined various self-help groups to improve his standing with the Board of Parole Hearings. Although he initially lacked the faith that he would ever get out, he was inspired as he saw fellow inmates with life sentences get the chance.

“I started seeing these other lifers go home, and it opened my eyes. That could be me.”

Salvador quickly shifted gears and put his all into everything he was a part of. While incarcerated, he secured his GED and honed his trade skills in auto body mechanics, maintenance, construction, and even graphic art. He also attended group sessions with intention, growing more comfortable sharing his story and dreams of the future.

After multiple sessions before the Board and several denials, Salvador’s wish was granted. The idea of returning home to his family after 37 years was unreal. And as he boarded the bus, he felt as if he was just headed to another prison.

“When I went to Chrysalis, I was immediately greeted with respect and professionalism…they gave me the opportunity, and they never judged me for my past.”

That quickly changed as Salvador learned to navigate a world that had evolved significantly in nearly four decades. He turned to organizations like the Anti-Recidivism Coalition to get on his feet and eventually learned about Chrysalis through word of mouth.

Salvador joined our program with the goal of moving on from his part-time job to full-time employment. Despite struggling to find work for six months after his release, he leveraged his network and initially accepted a position at UPS. Later, he accepted a part-time job in quality assurance with American Foods and Flavors, but it wasn’t enough to make ends meet.

Upon entering our center, Salvador was immediately greeted with respect and professionalism. He worked closely with his Employment Specialist, who helped him construct a resume that illustrated all of his diverse skills and work history. They practiced for interviews, which calmed his nerves, and she assisted him with completing online applications due to his limited computer literacy skills.

“Today, I feel blessed to have a stable job and a loving family who stood by me. Life is better than I ever imagined.”

He says with confidence that Chrysalis’ supportive services contributed to him receiving a callback for the job the day after his interview. Today, Salvador holds a full-time position as a sanitation employee at Fresh & Ready Foods. His supervisors quickly recognized his dedication and hard work, noting that he consistently goes above and beyond in his duties. Salvador’s job not only provides him with a sense of independence and pride but also allows him to contribute positively to his community.

Today, Salvador is proud of the life he has built. He finds joy in simple moments, like spending time with his mother, sisters, and niece, tattooing close family and friends in his free time, and looks forward to eventually pursuing a career as an auto body mechanic.

For Chrysalis, Salvador is an exemplary individual and an employee any company would be lucky to have on board. We look forward to seeing how he continues to transform his life and the lives of those around him.

Thank you for helping us transform the lives of thousands of individuals like Salvador who turn to Chrysalis’ job-readiness services each year!

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