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Turkey Trot L.A.

Running, walking, and fundraising as a member of Chrysalis’ Jobbing Club will support the job prep services and transitional job opportunities we use to help more than 2,500 individuals secure employment! Join the Chrysalis Jobbing Club as we strut our way through Downtown for Turkey Trot LA.

Volunteer Spotlight: Lesley

As class comes to an end at noon, Lesley can usually be found hanging back with clients. After nearly two years of facilitating job-readiness classes at Chrysalis Santa Monica, staying later to answer questions and get to know clients has become a part of her weekly routine. For Lesley, volunteering here isn’t just about teaching […]

Success Bells: Stephanie

A white van pulled up outside of a convenience store in Anaheim and several individuals clad in orange piled out. Immediately, Stephanie recognized the logo on the vehicle, which belonged to what she knew as a Los Angeles County-based organization that she had heard of but never visited. After a brief chat with the crew, […]

Volunteer Spotlight: Tim

Volunteering and supporting his community has almost always been a part of Tim’s life. But prior to finding Chrysalis, he was primarily focused on nonprofits and mentorship programs based in the marketing industry. After a long career in sales and sales management – and after starting his own consulting business – Tim was looking for […]

4th Annual Chrysalis Poker Night

Held at the Museum of Flying in Santa Monica, this year’s event featured a spirited poker tournament, cocktails, dinner, a silent auction, raffle, and more. Individuals across the fields of real estate, entertainment, beauty, fashion, finance, technology and law came together and helped us raise $140k in support of our programs.

Before the Bell: Joseph

Established in 1991, Chrysalis Enterprises provides a transitional jobs program to clients who face the greatest barriers to employment. Transitional employment offers our clients the opportunity to gain real-world skills, build confidence, earn a paycheck, and develop the experience needed to find and retain long-term employment. Clients working a transitional job are in an important […]

Volunteer Spotlight: Eshaan

Eshaan, a student at Chapman University, was looking for more ways to serve his community and share his knowledge in financial literacy when he found Chrysalis. Now, you can find him at Chrysalis Orange County every Wednesday facilitating job-readiness classes and one-on-one resume and interview preparation.

Success Bells: Graham

Young Graham sounded out the words in a newspaper article he had found in the house. His grandmother sat by his side, gently correcting him as he read aloud. These evening lessons were a daily ritual, and by the time Graham went to Kindergarten, he could already read and write. In the years to come, […]

Volunteer Spotlight: Bill

After retiring, Bill began volunteering at the V.A. as a job-readiness coach. There, he learned about Chrysalis and after referring numerous veterans, he began volunteering here as well. Now, he teaches Workplace Success every week at Chrysalis Santa Monica.

Success Bells: Ismael

Ismael sits behind the wheel of a large delivery truck packed with lumber. Some days, he might find himself transporting the cargo to Fresno or Sacramento, while on others he might be headed south toward Las Vegas or San Diego. Regardless of the destination, Ismael’s focus is on getting the job done well and appreciating […]

Volunteer Spotlight: Manuel

When he first learned about Chrysalis, Manuel was inspired by the community he saw. He decided to take advantage of the opportunity to serve individuals facing similar barriers to the ones he had dealt with when immigrating to the United States and began facilitating job-readiness classes for Spanish-speaking clients in the San Fernando Valley.

Before the Bell: Buddy

Established in 1991, Chrysalis Enterprises provides a transitional jobs program to clients who face the greatest barriers to employment. Transitional employment offers our clients the opportunity to gain real-world skills, build confidence, earn a paycheck, and develop the experience needed to find and retain long-term employment. Clients working a transitional job are in an important […]

Volunteer Spotlight: Bill

Before volunteering at Chrysalis, Bill was mentoring college students in China on how to secure employment after graduation. After thirteen years, he returned to the United States and began looking for opportunities to continue his work. Now, Bill spends three days a week conducting practice interviews and writing resumes with clients in Downtown Los Angeles.

Success Bells: Michael

Michael admits that he veered off track in life a few times growing up. “I had my share of trying to be involved with gangs and drugs, but over time, I realized that wasn’t the life for me.” During one particular detour – his last sentence of three-and-a-half years in prison – Michael received word […]

Opening DOORS and celebrating opportunity

DOORS (Developing Opportunities and Offering Reentry Solutions) is a community reentry center located on the
third floor of the Reentry Opportunity Center on South Vermont Avenue. Service agencies in this building
were brought together with people on probation and their families in mind, but this resource center is
free and open to serve the community.

Volunteer Spotlight: Carrie

Prior to the opening of Chrysalis’ Orange County center in November 2018, Carrie Nocella participated in a tour of Chrysalis’ Downtown Los Angeles center and walked through the neighboring Skid Row area. After seeing Chrysalis’ work firsthand, she was sold on getting involved. “I’m a firm believer that you have to see it, you have […]

Success Bells: Antonio & Suzette

A spirit of love fills Antonio and Suzette’s home. On a weekend afternoon, you might find Suzette reading on the porch with Antonio close by, caring for the family’s beloved dogs. Arrive at another time, and the place may be brimming with friends and family, warm laughter and voices filling the air. It is a […]

Success Bells: Flomanda

Flomanda vividly remembers living under a bridge in Downtown Los Angeles with her mother and two brothers at 8 years old. The years that followed would be marked by instability, substance abuse, and life in and out of the criminal justice system. At 17, and still a child herself, Flomanda became a mother and began a journey of finding herself so she could build a better future for her family.

Volunteer Spotlight: Robyn

After making a career for herself as a department head in the film industry and starting her own resume-writing business, Robyn decided to lend her expertise to Chrysalis clients when long-time supporter John Paul DeJoria recommended she try volunteering. Now, she spends each Wednesday drafting resumes, conducting practice interviews, and guiding clients through online job applications. This year, we were lucky enough to have her join us at the first Women’s Empowerment Conference as well!

Before the Bell: Amatullah

Established in 1991, Chrysalis Enterprises provides a transitional jobs program to clients who face the greatest barriers to employment. Transitional employment offers our clients the opportunity to gain real-world skills, build confidence, earn a paycheck, and develop the experience needed to find and retain long-term employment. Clients working a transitional job are in an important […]

Volunteer Spotlight: Cindy

With a background in career development and a familiarity with what it takes to overcome barriers, Cindy decided to put her expertise to use by volunteering at Chrysalis. Whether she’s leading a job readiness class or facilitating a workshop at the Women’s Empowerment Conference, she is always prepared to lift clients up and help them realize their full potential.

Unveiling a New ‘Golden Age’: Chrysalis pleased to be a part of the City of Anaheim’s focus on revitalizing local communities in 2019

We thank the City of Anaheim and Disneyland, who highlighted their partnerships with Chrysalis at yesterday’s State of the City address in Anaheim. With the help of our government, corporate, and community partners, we know we can continue to provide individuals experiencing homelessness throughout Orange County with much-needed support as we help them along their path to self-sufficiency.

15,000 Employed By 2022!

This week, Chrysalis joined others from local nonprofits and public agencies to propose a new plan for confronting the issue of homelessness through employment at Goodwill Southern California’s annual Breakfast Forum, “Tapping the Talents of Unique Populations: Inside the Employment Movement to Address Homelessness in Southern California.”

Success Bells: Garrick

Garrick’s workday kicks off at 6:30 in the morning with the arrival of a photograph. Pictured is a map indicating where he and his team will be providing outreach services for the day to some of L.A. County’s most vulnerable populations. As a member of a Homeless Outreach and Proactive Engagement (HOPE) Team, Garrick and […]

Volunteer Spotlight: Roberta

When Roberta first learned about Chrysalis, she quickly began to organize donation drives as her way of helping out for the next ten years. After retiring, she decided she wanted to be more involved. Soon enough, she was facilitating classes and providing one-on-one services to clients.

Chrysalis Awarded $1.2 Million Grant From Stand Together

During National Poverty Awareness Month, it was announced that Stand Together would dedicate $3.55 million to 8 partner organizations or ‘Catalysts’ focused on helping individuals attain meaningful work and better job opportunities, one of which is Chrysalis.

Volunteer Spotlight: Erika

Anaheim native and CSU Fullerton alumnae, Erika, was one of the first volunteers to arrive eager to share her positivity and professionalism with clients from her community when Chrysalis opened its fourth center in Orange County near the end of 2018.