Applause and cheers, laughter and song, and a silence so profound you could hear a pin drop as the audience hung on to every word – the theater at Inner-City Arts overflowed with heart on the evening of June 30 as we joined together to watch Chrysalis clients perform original pieces and tell the audience a little bit about their personal stories.
It was a celebration of strength, courage, and undeniable human spirit with 13 Chrysalis clients graduating from the Urban Possibilities Writing Empowerment Program.
Produced in partnership with Chrysalis, the Urban Possibilities Writing Empowerment Program gives Chrysalis clients the opportunity to build confidence and find their voice. For most, this is the first time they have spoken in front of an audience; for many, this is the first time they have been told they have a story worth telling.
Last month, Urban Possibilities welcomed us to “Unstoppable,” a graduation ceremony for their 13 program participants. Each client graced the stage with tear-jerking, laughter-inducing, thought-provoking pieces, including a musical performance by two Chrysalis clients and UP Musical Director Andrae Alexander!
We are so proud of this round of graduates, and we look forward to seeing these individuals continue to transform as they tackle their job searches or advance in their careers with newfound confidence and stronger communication skills!
Special thanks to Urban Possibilities Founders, Eyvette Jones-Johnson and Craig Johnson, Class Coordinator & Student Mentor, Norma L. Eaton, and to all of the Urban Possibilities and Chrysalis staff members who worked to make the evening a success. But most importantly, thank you to the graduates who had the courage to share stories that will continue to encourage and inspire.
Keep scrolling to meet the graduates!
The reviews are in!
“Being able to tell your own story is an essential component of finding a job. Thirteen individuals found their voices this spring at Chrysalis through workshops, exercises, rehearsals, and the incredible camaraderie of the Urban Possibilities Writing Empowerment Program. Graduation night is one that neither they nor the audience will soon forget.”
–Molly Larson, Vice President, Program Operations, Chrysalis
“What an incredibly epic night! Such a powerful evening. What a privilege to see this show.”
–Mason Richards, Film Faculty and Director of Community Engagement, New York Film Academy – Los Angeles
“The performances were phenomenal! Amazing to see the transformation of the graduates and their resilience to bounce back from life shattering setbacks! Just amazing! We are so inspired!”
–Tamara Johnson, Founder, Ladies Who Inspire

“It’s incredibly inspiring listening to these brave people. I’m so proud of what they have accomplished through Urban Possibilities Chrysalis. I’m honored to be able to listen to their stories.”
–Adam Browne, President, Six Wolves Casting
Urban Possibilities believes there is a sea of untapped potential in our toughest communities. Their empowerment classes help inner-city job seekers take hold of their gifts and use them to accelerate their lives, families, and communities.
Learn more about Urban Possibilities.
This program is supported, in part, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission.