Rollover Your IRA for Good
The charitable IRA rollover, or qualified charitable distribution (QCD), is a special rule that allows folks aged 70 1/2 and older to give money from their IRA to charities, like Chrysalis, without it being taxed as income. This way, you can meet your required minimum distribution while benefiting Chrysalis!
Benefits of an IRA Charitable Rollover
Avoid taxes on transfers of up to $100,000 from your IRA to our organization
Satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year
Reduce your taxable income, even if you do not itemize deductions
Make a gift that is not subject to the deduction limits on charitable contributions
Help further the work and mission of our organization
How To Give from Your IRA

Frequently Asked Questions
Chrysalis must receive your gift by Dec. 31 for your donation to qualify for the current calendar year. If you have check-writing features on your IRA, please be aware that your check must clear your account by Dec. 31 to count toward your required minimum distribution for the calendar year.
Yes. You can honor your gift pledge to Chrysalis with one or more qualified charitable IRA rollover transfers. You can direct your IRA provider to transfer your charitable gift to Chrysalis quarterly, annually, or other timing that works for you. Please let our staff know which financial institution will send your gift and when to expect it. We can be reached at (310) 401-9387 or Development@ChangeLives.org.
Yes. The current law extends the charitable IRA rollover provision indefinitely – with no expiration date – allowing individuals to make qualifying gifts every tax year.
Absolutely! Whether or not you choose to make a charitable IRA rollover gift, you can still designate Chrysalis as a beneficiary to receive IRA assets after your lifetime. The lifetime charitable IRA rollover is simply another option for donors who would like to see their philanthropy at work now.
For more information, please contact us at (310) 401-9387 or Development@ChangeLives.org.