Success Bells: Mia

 The smell of eggs and turkey bacon infuses the air of a dining area already brimming with noisy chitchat. Mia smiles as she says, “I crack eggs every morning. I want everyone to smell what’s cooking!” In a more serious tone, she shares, “Some of [our guests] have not had a hot meal in […]

Recruiters for Change: Michael Murphy & Cookie Duong

What are Chrysalis Recruiters for Change? Recruiters for Change support Chrysalis and our clients by setting up a personal fundraising page and engaging with their network to reach their self-assessed individual or team goal. Whether the aim is to raise $50, $200, or $500, these collective efforts help ensure that thousands of our job-seeking clients […]

Sustaining US – KLCS PBS: David Nazar Reports

 David Nazar with Sustaining US on KLCS PBS reports on the importance of addressing homelessness and recidivism rates by connecting our Southern California community members to employment opportunities – particularly people who are navigating housing instability, previous justice system involvement, or other barriers to the workforce. In this episode, Nazar introduces viewers to Chrysalis Supervisors […]