Tastemade: The Shift
Tastemade’s documentary, “The Shift,” follows the extraordinary stories of Chrysalis clients Bryon and Darrell and their journeys from incarceration to working for celebrity chef Curtis Stone.
Tastemade’s documentary, “The Shift,” follows the extraordinary stories of Chrysalis clients Bryon and Darrell and their journeys from incarceration to working for celebrity chef Curtis Stone.
For more than three decades, Chrysalis has been changing lives through jobs. But the recent surge in the homeless population has only toughened an already challenging task. Los Angeles Magazine sat down with Chrysalis President & CEO Mark Loranger about the crisis and his organization’s work.
Jayson was faced with challenges after he left that army that lead him to substance abuse and more than 17 years of homelessness. He came to Chrysalis for a fresh start. Now, he transforms discarded carbon fiber into skateboards – a job that has transformed his life.