Celebrate the special people in your life when you donate in honor or in memory.

Recognize birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, or someone’s important impact in your life. Check the box below if you would like them to be notified of your gift, and Chrysalis will send them a personalized acknowledgment package.

Gift acknowledgments include:

A personalized note from you
A plantable seedling butterfly from Chrysalis
Planting instructions

Donoate in Honor or In Memory Gift Acknowledgments


Thank you – your gift will empower more than 7,000 clients who will turn to Chrysalis this year for access to vital resources and support that will help them find and retain employment.

Chrysalis’ EIN: 95-3972624

Donate by mail

Attn: Development Department
522 S. Main St.
Los Angeles, CA 90013

Donation PDF

Donate by phone

(310) 401-9387

Donate online